Monday, April 11, 2011

The Not-So Smart Phone

My lovely roommate Kayla has a cool phone. In fact, it's about 14 times cooler than mine. She has this feature where you can speak into it, and it will type what you say into a text message. So for instance, if you say "Hey, what's up." into the speaker, it will type "Hey, what's up." Cool, huh?

Well, we were playing with it the other day and found that it's surprisingly accurate. That's when Kayla had an idea.

"Hey, I wonder if it speaks Spanish! Here, say something in Spanish."

She held it up to my face, and I said the first thing I could think of in my highly advanced Spanish-speaking abilities, "Hola, me gusta burritos." (Okay, so she caught me a little off guard)

Kayla looked at the phone expectantly and after only a few seconds, doubled over in laughter. Tears sprang from her eyes and she gasped for breath.

"Let me see!" I said, because clearly she was in no state of telling me what it interpreted. She held the phone up and this is what I saw:

"Are at me goose that booty goes." doesn't speak Spanish.

1 comment:

  1. haha that's awesome! hm...not to close to hola, me gusta burritos. :) i love doing that on word documents to see how it interprets things.



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