Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sometimes, the Truth Hurts

I'm telling you, I make the weirdest stuff in this digital photography class of mine.  Like for instance, this little number:

Our latest assignment was a scan-o-gram, which, contrary to popular belief, is not in fact a medical procedure. We had to use a scanner as a camera, so we had to compose a picture with objects on the scanner and then let 'er rip. I've got to be honest, I'm not really into this type of thing. Hence, mine is not exactly the coolest picture ever, but it got the job done. When I took it to class, one of my classmates looked at it and said, "Nice, so it's a self-portrait right?"

Haha, funny joke, sir.

And I suppose it was funny, but then it was time for the class critique. We each placed our images on the wall as my teacher went around examining each one and critiquing it. He came to mine.

"Hmm, that's interesting," he said. Then he turned to face me, "So I'm assuming it's a self portrait?"

Really? Two people? This is not good, my friends. Not good at all.

Just for kicks, here's my other one. Don't ask me what it means. I don't get it myself. It's supposed to be modeled after the work of Maggie Taylor, and she does some weird stuff.

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