Sunday, November 28, 2010

Harbor Haven

Having lived near Seattle, Washington my entire life, I have a special place in my heart for the water inlets that flow through the area. I grew up in the historic Norwegian town of Poulsbo. It is a quaint little community dotted with beautiful marinas where locals and tourists dock their boats. I never realized how special these boat marinas are to me until I moved away to the middle of Idaho where salt water is simply nonexistent.
During the summer, I would spend a lot of time at the boat docks waiting for my dad to wash out the motor after an evening sailboat ride, put away the sails, or perform routine maintenance tasks. I would entertain myself by watching the tentacles on the sea life retract at my touch, or throwing old mussel shells in the middle of a school of minnows to watch them scatter. I would gaze at the beautiful yachts, admire the perfectly-formed rope coils on the docks, and squeal in delight at the sight of a basketball-sized sea jelly pulsing just feet away.
For me, this was a place of discovery, excitement, and mystery. At the same time, it was a place of peace and serenity where I could reflect on life surrounded by the salty sea breeze flapping the sails, the distant cries of sea gulls, and the melodic rocking of the waves as the tide drifted in and out. There, I never worried about deadlines, responsibilities or upcoming events. It was just me and those gentle, slumbering yachts, creaking among the docks.
There exists among the boating community a level of understanding that one can’t find anywhere else. Each person shares that same love of the water and passion for the ever changing atmosphere it provides. The pace of life is slow. It’s where Kathy the Boat Lady, wearing her white shorts and anchor necklace, calls everyone “honey” whether they are six or 60. People look out for each other there. At the marina, everyone is family.
The marina is a sanctuary for boats and people alike. It’s where we all rest safely out of the world’s storms, and for a little while revel in the haven of the harbor.

1 comment:

  1. julie, this is awesome! i love your photography. i am so your first blog stalker! woo!



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